year one math flashcards (free printable)
maths in year one is a simple process. the curriculum I use is math u see, I like it for the hands-on approach, the teacher’s manuals and online videos for…
How to homeschool your three year old
When it comes to homeschooling a three-year-old, the reality is that the world is your oyster. By that, I mean it is up to you what they learn, how much…
You will fail as a homeschooler.
As a homeschooler, it has to be said, that I have failed, multiple times, at various things. Homeschooling is so important, but it is unfortunately done by someone who is…
Homeschooling young boys
I think homeschooling young boys is a realm of its own, and for several reasons, but the biggest is that I was doing it wrong. homeschooling is one of the…
strategies for homeschooling with toddlers and babies
homeschooling is one thing, homeschooling with toddlers or a feeding schedule of a newborn or both is quite another, adapting strategies for how you will approach homeschooling with toddlers or…