maths in year one is a simple process. the curriculum I use is math u see, I like it for the hands-on approach, the teacher’s manuals and online videos for…
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How to homeschool your three year old
When it comes to homeschooling a three-year-old, the reality is that the world is your oyster. By that, I mean it is up to you what they learn, how much…
Using chores to create a healthy work ethic.
chores in the home should be a regular part of life for all children, and using chores to create a healthy work ethic in our kids should be an essential…
Why loop schedule your homeschooling?
Loop scheduling your homeschooling merely means switching out different subjects you will teach from day to day, week to week or even month to month. it is completely customisable to…
How to teach your child to read
Reading, a key element of life can be daunting to teach and learn. Teaching your child is something just as daunting if you don’t have the knowledge of where to…
How to create a learning lifestyle with lifeskills
Knowing how to turn the words “learning lifestyle” into a physical approach in your homeschooling and life is crucial to successful minimalist homeschooling and child-raising. A learning lifestyle is a…